Since this is from a practical at university it is supposed to be with the 7. If I try to ALT + ENTER to import it again the androidx appears. The v7 becomes red and so does the extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder. Then when I remove the androidx and add the import that has to be there with the V7. When it is like this and I try to click a button to open a new activity ( where the recycler view is supposed to be ) the app just crashes and says: : Binary XML file line #10: Binary XML file line #10: Error inflating class 7.widget.RecyclerViewĪt (ActivityThread.java:2913) Public class AnimalsHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder Solved-Android Studio Error (RecyclerView has no LayoutManager) in Kotlin programing language-kotlin Related Query More Query from same tag Contact Us. Implementation ':recyclerview-v7:29.0.0'Īnd here is the start of my code: import Implementation ':play-services-maps:16.0.0' I want to show image, title and description in my recycle view. Implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.1.0' I am trying to build a HAPPY PLACE App But I am facing this error. Implementation 'nstraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'ĪndroidTestImplementation ':junit:1.1.0'ĪndroidTestImplementation ':espresso-core:3.1.1' Every message is written using a log, Contains a special type or format that represents for what purpose the message is being written. Implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2' The log class is a pre-defined class in android studio which allows the developer to print messages in Logcat Window, which is the console for Android Studio. Implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ) ProguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), You have to see if your image has become drawable-v23 or v24 which might be higher than your mobile os level, Make sure to avoid creating drawable version image in projectĮxample In drawable folder ~> "ic_contact(v24)" # 6.I'm currently receiving an error when trying to import recycler view for my project. Binary xml file line #0: error inflating class imageview Then clean your project and they will appear. create a project with the Empty Activity template in Android Studio.

\app\src\main\res\drawablesand copy the image into all of the respective hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, etc folders. RecyclerView is a powerful UI widget that allows you to display a list of data in a flexible manner. You need to go to the root folder of your project to. You can't add it through the Android Studios interface (why is beyond my comprehension.).

Android - When attempting to add an image creates a blank image