
America home of the free because of the brave
America home of the free because of the brave

america home of the free because of the brave

Their deaths were the first of Fox Company’s second tour in Iraq. Both Marines were part of Fox Company based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. An improvised roadside bomb killed him and Lance Corporal Dean Opicka in Iraq’s Anbar province on April 14, 2008. One of them was Marine Corporal Richard J. While we honor all veterans this week, we especially want to remember those who died to ensure our freedoms. “In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free His truth is marching on.” I can still remember playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. And he put together fantastic concerts with patriotic music at our church year.

america home of the free because of the brave

Condon organized us Scouts to put flags on the graves of the veterans each year at our local cemetery. Talking with those two veterans brought back some special memories.

America home of the free because of the brave